Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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This is where you should answer the most common questions prospective customers might have. It’s a good idea to cover things like your return policy, product warranty info, shipping and returns, etc. Check out the examples below.

The short answer is on the inside. First, the film is laid on the outside of the car’s windows and cut out to fit. Those pieces are then placed on a large piece of glass and trimmed before being installed on the inside of the windows.

Sorry, we do not travel to install window film on vehicles, unless it is for our dealerships. Window tinting must be done inside a controlled environment to prevent dirt, dust and debris from getting under the film.

Installation time ranges from 1 to 3 hours depending on how many windows are being tinted, what type of vehicle it is, and if your car has been previously tinted; the glue removal process takes time.

Yes! With the modern adhesive systems found on today’s window tinting products, it is possible to have your car windows tinted even in freezing weather. However, the curing time may be extended in adverse conditions. Professional installers take the weather into consideration during installation, allowing more time to apply heat to the edges of the tint to activate the drying process.

Curing is the process whereby water and adhesive combine to bond the car tint to the car window.

Standardly the curing process is about 30 days. But, cold or rainy weather, or if the car is not in the sun, can extend the time it takes for the window tinting to completely cure.

No. As a matter of fact, since window tinting insulates the window, it actually helps the defroster faster.

We recommend keeping your windows up for at least 3-4 days in the summer months. 7-10 days during the winter, the colder weather has affects on the curing process and delays drying. If windows are rolled down before that time frame the tint often peels off because it has not had enough time to cure. Should this happen we can redo your window at a low cost, but it is not covered under the warranty.
Yes, this is completely normal and temporary. For the first few days after your windows are tinted they might appear cloudy, hazy, and you may see little water pockets forming underneath the film. This is very typical. When windows are tinted, the squeegee can only remove a certain amount of the water from between the film and the glass. As the film dries, the remaining water will form little pockets. Window film is a porous material that allows water to evaporate, so these water pockets will simply evaporate and go away by themselves as the film fully adheres to the glass. The amount of time before your new tint will be totally dry is determined by the amount of sunlight it gets. If it’s cloudy and overcast outside, it will take longer, if it’s hot and sunny, then the film dries very quickly. This time frame can range from 2 days, up to 1 month.

Many times our customers inquire about the durability of window film – “Will my kids tear it up?” We are glad to report this is not a problem. Pets are also a concern but damage is usually confined to smudges that just need to be cleaned. The hard scratch-resistant coating found on quality window film products do an excellent job protecting window tint from everyday use as well as kids and pets. A word of caution is to remember window tinting is installed on the inside of the glass and is usually coated with a high quality scratch resistant layer for protection. However, the key word is **resistant**. Take care when loading and unloading objects with sharp or hard edges, boxes, sporting equipment, etc. It is possible to tear even the best window tinting material with a sharp or hard object hitting against the tint. Glass without tinting, or with factory window tint, can be damaged in this fashion also. If you accidentally cause damage to the film, the cost of re-doing the window is generally inexpensive. Unfortunately, these types of damage are not covered under the warranty.

This is another commonly asked question and is sometimes confused with being a defect in the film; however, it is actually caused by a vehicle’s weather stripping. You’ll notice a fuzzy, felt-type material that lines the weather stripping around your windows. This felt functions as a trap for small particles of dirt when you roll your windows up or down. Some vehicles have both sides lined, some only have the exterior side. When only the exterior side is lined it makes the interior more susceptible to trapping dirt and debris. Then when you roll your windows up or down, the dirt, or sometimes even the hard plastic of the stripping itself, can cause the film to scratch.

Purpling occurs when ultraviolet rays from the sun break down and die in the window film. All window films will develop some level of discoloration over time. The higher the quality of the film the longer the period it will take for discoloration to become noticeable.


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